Web Development Trends to Follow in 2018

Web Development Trends to Follow in 2018

Since its inception, Web development is seen to be changing every second and 2018 is no exception. Where 2017 was all about animations and micro interaction features. Chabot’s and conversational interfaces, we saw mobile usage overtaking desktop browsing. It is a mandate that this year content needs to be accessible at any point and from any device. Users expect improved experience every minute. Hence it is significant than ever to provide them with digital experiences that keep them engaged and intuitive.

2018 is expected to see the subtle shift from UX Design to digital service grow at a stead-fast rate. We expect to see full utilization of mobile functionality which would mean improvising on our desktop relevantly updating it with cutting-edge web features. Designers should dedicatedly create sites that are adaptable to every new device, following the latest prevailing web design trends.

In this article, we have gathered the most reliable web development trends that one should follow & implement in 2018. You should be aware of theses irrespective of whether you are a designer, developer or maybe the website owner.

Keeping all the above in mind, let us take a look at some striking trends that impact the modern website designing in 2018:

Layout and Voice interface:

A website is your unique platform; we should try reflecting our spirit as much as possible using our layouts and designs. It’s high time you break free from the bonds of static point designs. One-page are expected to be more in use as compared to last year. Usage of Variable fonts might make a royal debut this year. This year expects to see the better utility of graphic design concepts, like vertical whitespace and overlap. A variable font allows us to alter character dimensions depending upon the screen size. People with low- vision could highly acknowledge this variation. It can enhance the reading experience to an enormous level.

Social Media Presence and 24 hours’ user-Support:



It comes without an argument that social media is everything these days. ‘Facebooking’ has now officially become a thing. Websites need to be so developed that they understand this new language of messages.  Moreover, also we need to show our social media presence on our website portals without fail.  Being socially connected to our users is very important. Chabot’s are computer programs introduced for this purpose of maintaining 24×7 client support system without having a team dedicated to customer service. It helps to answer FAQ’s, direct people to their requested page or even to help users’ complete transactions. People in business now understand the value of having a strong social media presence. So now when a company decides to have a website developed, developers know by default that they need to integrate this profile with all the social media platforms.

Sustainable Design:  Inclusive & Ethical


As resourceful people, we must help our clients make informed and responsible decisions.  We should ensure they find the content they are looking for efficiently. We should also try reducing the environmental impact of our work by creating people-friendly solutions. Inclusive designs are mainly implemented to make efficient and effectively accessible products for clients. It’s all about putting people first. It is about dedicating our designs to the needs of people with temporary, permanent, situational, or even changing disabilities. Ethical designing is another vital aspect of web designing trend these days.  One should do a brief research on the psychological impact before deciding on web development.  When Apps are being designed, on should keep in mind not to create anything which distracts, interrupts, or even slightly encourage digital addiction. We should try and design more products, services, and features that work universally on all devices and environments.

Micro Services and the Cloud:

When you dream and work towards having a million dollar company, you need to be prepared to serve a wider audience, ensure your site is up and running all the time. This presence would mean efficient management of your computers. The system should be so designed that 100s of new servers’ can be added as and when required. This amount of precision could be challenging to attain if you use traditional data centers. This is where using services like the Elastic Cloud Compute, EC2, by Amazon Web Services come in handy. It helps people get virtual systems in Amazon data centers. Tech giants like Google and Microsoft also offer their cloud services.