effective communication

Effective Communication

What is Effective Communication?

An Effective Communication is a communication that is successfully delivered, received & understood by two persons or more than two persons. A communication is effective when all parties listen carefully to the messages, & understands the circumstances so that proper & effective action to be taken for the  challenges that the organization is facing. The effective communication includes not only the use of words but also non-verbal communication, use of technology, written instructions, etc.

How effective communication helps?

Communication plays a role in building relationships, product development, customer relations, employee management, etc. What would happen if the CEO advises the manager & it never reaches the employee? The work would stay still, project will get delayed, worse the deadline will pass. Employees are a key to the success of an organization. If employees are informed and engaged, the growth of the organization will be strong as well. Effective communications help to establish clear expectations for
employees. which conveys how their performance impacts the company. The more employees know about the company, its culture, its products and services the better job they do.

Here’s How aQb Communicate Information to Employees:

Open Meeting: It is easier to communicate about the current or future projects, challenges through meetings. In this kind of forum, listening to the problems & finding a solution together gets work done in an effective way. This approach still remains one of the best approaches to communicate effectively with a team.

One on One: Sometimes it is required to talk to an employee or team leader alone. For some people it is easier to understand things better while they’re alone with an expert. They can communicate freely & understand the way they want. In other situations, such as when something goes wrong & the person responsible for it may not come forward out of guilt & fear. In these types circumstances it’s better to talk to members alone.

Training: We get trained from our childhood. We’re trained to walk, run, eat food etc. Even from ancient times people are trained to do jobs & take over certain roles. It hasn’t changed today. Training is one of the best ways to guide people in their roles. At aQb part of the training is communication. aQb has put a comprehensive plan in place to provide better and more timely information so that employees are aware of who to communicate with in different circumstances.

Emails: When a company grows, it requires more employee. With more employee it becomes difficult to talk to everyone in person. n official settings, communication via email remains potent. Everybody uses email. So, at aQb everybody is provided an email ID. When the HR requires to talk to someone, she just emails the person. Similarly, an employee talks to other employee through email without pulling them out of work station.

Emails: When a company grows, it requires more employee. With more employee it becomes difficult to talk to everyone in person. n official settings, communication via email remains potent. Everybody uses email. So, at aQb everybody is provided an email ID. When the HR requires to talk to someone, she just emails the person. Similarly, an employee talks to other employee through email without pulling them out of work station.

Chain of Command: An employee requires help with something that he or she got caught up with while working. If the person goes straight to the top-ranking person, the person gets disturbed. So, a chain of command is required while working. At aQb solutions we’re following a different level of leaderships to counter this problem. When an employee requires to communicate, the person is advised to talk to the team leader. If the team leader is not aware of the solution, the team leader then asks the question to the person who is above, and so on.

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